Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Deep doo doo

So, I have this horrible confession to make... I have anger issues. I am trying so hard to work on my anger issues, but the harder I try the angrier I seem to get. Or at least, the more my anger suddenly errupts without any warning on others around me - usually my children.

I'm not really sure what to do next. Books - yes. Therapy - possibly. Friends - certainly. Apologize - most definitely.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Love in the mail

Being a homeschool family, we tend to take things as they come and roll with the punches with our schedule. The problem is, our schedule was so incredibly busy during the fall that it took me two months to catch up with my calendar. Baseball 3 nights a week, 2 games each Saturday, Cub Scouts at least one night a week, church Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, field trips, and classes out of the home to boot. Whew!! Christmas finally came and I finally had a chance to breathe!

Christmas here was really nice. I put aside many things and spent time with the kids. I baked, and I love to bake. I made a gingerbread house all by myself! My own little thing one evening. Mom's craft time. Jim sort of made fun of me for it, but I really didn't care. Honestly, I love having my husband home. He took the Fridays after each holiday off and we had some great family time.

In order to make Christmas do-able for us, I decided not to push out Christmas cards unless the time just fell into my lap; of course, it didn't. I love receiving cards every year and catching up on everyone's news. I also really enjoy reciprocating, but I just couldn't make it happen this year. And I realized over a conversation with my father-in-law that it's not even the Christmas card part that I enjoy as much as the annual connection with people I love who are miles away.

So, I decided that I am changing my tradition!! I am going to send out Valentine's Day cards to everyone we love this year. And I refuse to allow myself to feel the least little bit like an underachiever for doing so!